
Next-Gen Photovoltaics

Kimberley Hall and Ghada Koleilat are developing new light-absorbing materials, including conjugated polymers and carbon nanowires as well as hybrid organic-inorganic materials (perovskites) for the next generation of PV solar cells. Mita Dasog and Michael Freund are developing new strategies for creating nanostructures from traditional semiconductors such as silicon to reduce cost and expand their use. Professors Hall and Koleilat have developed extensive characterization facilities to study fundamental processes and measure figures of merit of new PV materials. Gurpreet Selopal is an expert in surface and interface engineering of colloidal quantum dots to control their structural-properties relationship at the nanoscale regime precisely. Currently, Dr. Selopal is exploring the advanced engineered colloidal quantum dots as a light harvester for next-generation PV technology.

Mita Dasog

Mita Dasog

Michael Freund

Kimberley Hall

Kimberley Hall

Ghada Koleilat 

Ghada Koleilat 

Gurpreet Selopal

Gurpreet Selopal